As a team we have worked on a wide range of projects since we began collaborating in 1995. Bringing our individual visions and histories together we sought not a middle ground but a third voice in the works. In working together we have expanded this vision beyond ourselves creating works that sometimes surprise even us. In our works we have created many large scale commissions that enliven and activate the environment in both interior and exterior spaces. It has always been our wish to make the works have a voice and character that uplifts and reflects the positive aspects of human vision.
PUBLIC ART - It enhances our city and urban environments making places of reflection, of beauty, creating color, humor and life to our living and working spaces. We live in cities and urban environments that are designed around the strict guidelines of commerce and traffic. Within these perimeters public art can enhance our workplaces and create urban “islands” of fantasy, color and heartfelt dialogue with the people who regularly inhabit these places.
We have installed over seventy large scale public art projects including works instate, nationally and internationally. The works include public library commissions, universities and colleges, recreation centers, health care commissions, corporate clients, urban and transportation projects, and many city and state agency commissions. The public and client response has been overwhelmingly positive to our works. We have designed each of the projects to reflect both the surrounding influences of architectural reference paying close attention to contextual design. Each work resonates with its particular environment. By working through a wide and varied stylistic vocabulary as well as a variety of materials, processes and themes, our works have a broad range.
We believe that public artwork should reflect a character of place, make a positive influence on the people that use and inhabit these areas, create an integrated platform for art in our public spaces and make our living, playing and working spaces a mix of color, culture and heart.